EEMCO and FAMETEC were part of the Austrian IPCEI Day
Last week we participated in the Austrian IPCEI Day hosted by Infineon Technologies. The event, held at the Infineon Hub in Vienna, was a full-on success, bringing together over 40 participants, including representatives from FFG, AWS, and the Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology.
The day was a great opportunity to reflect on the impact of the Important Project of Common European Interest on Microelectronics (IPCEI ME) and to look ahead to the promising future of IPCEI Microelectronics and Communication Technologies (ME/CT). We were honored to join our Austrian IPCEI partners NXP, AVL and AT&S in discussing the advancements and future directions of these highly interesting projects. Furthermore, Stefan Defregger had the chance to showcase EEMCO’s innovative technology for Silicon Carbide.
Highlights of the day included a comprehensive wrap-up of IPCEI 1, an insightful outlook on IPCEI 2, and detailed posters showcasing the unique project focuses from each partner. The event also provided inspiring networking opportunities also for FAMETEC, which was represented by Stephan Puxkandl.
We would like to thank Infineon Technologies Austria AG for organizing such an important event in cooperation with ESBS-Austria.